Thursday, December 24, 2009

Am I emo???

My sis said I was emo and so does those stupid myspace surveys. But I don't think I am. My hair doesn't cover my eyes. I don't cut myself. I don't wear skinny jeans, have black painted nails, or shop at Hot Topic. I don't wear eyeliner either. I wear casual clothes like the lastest trends. I like all kinds of music, but mostly mixes by djs, christian music, dance music, pop/rock, hip hop, and my fave singer is Avril Lavigne and has been since 2002. I love dancing in a cheerleading/poms style. I always used to seem sad at school or in public, but not really anymore I don't think. I'm just shy and don't really like the way I look. I think I'm fat and ugly. Am I emo???

Am I emo???

not emo, maybe in need of some better self esteem but definately not emo! if you seem sad or dont like youreself people may call you emo but really its not like that is it?

besides if your into christian music chances are you're a long way from emo!

God bless you!

Am I emo???

emo is short for emotonal, everyone has emotions

Am I emo???

u are definitely NOT EMO!!!

Am I emo???

For the love of God, don't try to box yourself into a stupid label. Just be yourself and don't give a damn about what others think.

Am I emo???

I have never understood what the true definiton of "emo" really was. If you want to be emo... then be emo. Don't worry about the stereotypes. Just be yourself! :)

Am I emo???

Nah, you're not emo.

Am I emo???

Its not based on ur exterior...its how u feel inside...emo--tional

Am I emo???

First of all

who cares? how bout just being you!

And second of all

Get out there and stop worrying about whether ur fat ugly and what people think of you!

Don't waste your life worrying about everyone elses thoughts!

Am I emo???

definitely not... if u don't listen to emo music and don't hav d same mentality as they do...u'll never b one... especially since u don't seem 2 dress lyk one... just try 2 b mor cheerfl so dey wouldn't perceive u as one...

Am I emo???

i always hated trying to conform to one particular group. it's ugly. now, you are who you are- you have a choice int he matter girl. if you don't want to be "emo", don't be. tell them you are a nonconformist and go try and conform someone else. u are ur own person and u can do whatever your lil heart desires.

emo is stupid anyways; it's not a way of life- it's a type of music that somehow got catagorized out of garage bands who couldn't make it in the regular rock scene. had to come up with a whole new musical revolution... dorks.

Am I emo???

yup, do you kno what emo means??? it means emotional and you sound like it

Am I emo???

Who isn't dear?

And it's best if you are really emotional person. You can experience all lows and highs of the life.

My best wishes for your eventful and happy future.

Am I emo???

being Emo has nothing to do with what you wear or whatever. It being emotional to alot of things be it simple things. Like what a friend told me that his friend cries when he sees lovers walking together, he cries when he sees people laughing.... Basically, it's just being emotional. Even you don't think that youre emo so...I think youre not.

Am I emo???

Yes you are emo, because you just had a 2 minute rant at yourself. You should know, if you were to go out with someone who only cares about your looks you might as well pay the guy to date you.

What I'm saying is, you must be good at many things that others are not, you might be very interesting once they get to know you and you get to know them, you will look good if you feel good and confident.

In resume: You should lead by example, be yourself do what you want to do and never leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

You are emotional, but that's not a bad thing.

If any, you should mock those who claim not to be emo, because someone without emotional response is usually wearing a tag on their toe.

Have fun :)

Am I emo???

labels = don't matter

Am I emo???

Lots of people, esp. kids throw the word emo around as a generic insult. It's the new "gay".


It's like if I say I like fruity pebbles, suddenly everyone says you're gay.

If you like Avril, suddenly everyone says you're emo.

If you link to your picture we can tell you if you're emo or not, but as Linkin Park said: "in the end it doesn't even matter."

Am I emo???

No your not your own unique person and dont let anyone judge you or put labels on you.

I go through phases myself and i dont let the little things get to me at all.

Am I emo???

No, you're not emo.You just have a little bit of a self esteem problem. Cheer up. Everyone goes through the whole I'm fat or I'm ugly stage. But like you I still kind of feel like I'm both. But I asure you, things will get better.And those myspace quizzes don't know what they're talking about. So don't even worry about it. Trust me, being emo is the last thing you have to worry about. :)

Am I emo???

You aren't emo! You are a normal girl!!!!

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