This guy stole my girlfriend two years ago, i'm over it. But whenever i see his face somewhere, i can literaly feel my blood boil. Maybe i don't feel closure towards him because i cried like a "wuss" when i called him up to meet in person and talk about the situation. I am stronger now because of the experience of losing that girl and am focusing on finish college ( i guess that she was a distraction.) I have learned not to be SOOOOOOOO nice and trusting of a person anymore.I have outgrown what happened, but when i see his face on myspace and posters on campus (even though he already graduated), i feel so much anger and rage. I should'nt be angry at this guy because he is an uber-christian, and i am focusing my energy on worshipping the lord and trying to do his will. But i had also heard that this guy was a big liar and may have lied to her about being accepted to harvard and other bs. the past doesnt dictate the future, but will he end up getting his? I know i shouldnt bask in it
Does God cast his justice/revenge on homewreckers?
He will get his and you, by lacking forgiveness, are getting yours. The mills of God grind exceedingly slow, but they grind exceedingly fine.
If you are a Christian then presumably you say the Lord's Prayer.? Do you mean it? "Forgive us our sins as we fogive those who sin against us?"
He did not steal your wife - he is not a "home" wrecker. Are you angry with your girlfriend? It was after all she who left you not the other way around. When you come to marry the woman God has prepared for you, you will thank Him the situation is as it is now. You have limited vision as you are stuck in time. I loved a woman once and we did not marry and it broke my heart. In time, I realised we would not have been able to sustain a relationship and she in turn is unable to have children which would have been a great loss. The Divine Grace in our lives is such that she and I are soul mate friends, her husband and I are friends and my wife is friends with her. We love each other dearly but are not "in love with" each other. So God turned a bad situation around and made it good. He will do the same for you but not until you ask Him to help you forgive the guy (though it is really jealousy which is crushing you and that is one of the seven deadly sins - deadly because it kills you from inside). Pray for your "enemy" and be kind to him even if only in your thoughts. That is the only way you will be set free from the fierce anger you have (anger being another deadly sin).
Does God cast his justice/revenge on homewreckers?
God casts His justice on those who He knows deserves it.
Does God cast his justice/revenge on homewreckers?
Stole YOUR girlfriend?
You say that like she was your property.... a "thing" to be traded, covetted or stolen (or possibly clubbed over the head and dragged back to your cave).
You say it like she had no will or choice of her own.
I think you need an attitude-adjustment Mr.
This is the 21st Century; not the Old Testament.
If the girl left you for that other guy.... then maybe that was meant to serve as a lesson to you..... and you haven't learnt it yet.
Does God cast his justice/revenge on homewreckers?
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors booty ?
Does God cast his justice/revenge on homewreckers?
Forget and forgive those persons. You can see more intelligent and more understanding girlfried and sincere friend. But do not think that God has done the thing. God is for your safety and good in not allowing you to be with that girl and the man you are stating.
Does God cast his justice/revenge on homewreckers?
Yes he will get his ten fold if he hasn't already. The girlfriend made the decision to be stolen, so that's not the kind of girl you want anyway.She's probably not going to like the outcome also. God didn't want you to be with her, he wanted you to be with him so you could learn from him and then go and find the right girl for you. GOD BLESS %26amp; GOOD LUCK!!
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