Monday, December 28, 2009


Ok, just a quick question. I am a Christian and was born and raised that way, but my family comes from DEEP celtic roots. My mother has always told me stories about all the sabbats and my sis and I always knew about all the rituals that went on and it was always normal for us to be around pagans. Well I was just wondering if it bothers you guys as much as it bothers me when somone claims to be "wiccan" but is OBVIOULSY jsut saying it to be "cool". I know this lady she goes around telling everyone she is wiccan and her myspace is covered with Gods and Goddesses and symbols and such, but I asked her where her circle met and when they went, you know just trying to be friendly and maybe go with her sometime since its home to me and she goes, oh i am not into it that much. And I was like"why do you call youself wiccan then?" IDK it just made me mad. I guess becaue I just have been involved with it all my life and I have good friends who are "REAL" wiccans. How shoud I handle this???


I would have to say that if she is a good friend, then continue being friends with her, but I would avoid any religion discussions with her. She may be a solitary practitioner, but my guess is that she doesn't know a lot about it. Don't let her get to you. There are people like that in any religion. For example how many people do you see in a bar on Friday night and sitting in church on Sunday claiming to be a perfect Christian? Don't let it get to you.

Blessed be.


Not all wiccans are witches, not all witches are wiccans and not all pagans are wiccans or witches. Hehe sorry had to throw that in there.

Is she solo? If she is then she has no desire for a coven. But if she isn't or what ever then let them be who they are. If they find some sort of fulfillment in sugar coated religi ous fads, let them. There are "false" in every faith and the Pagan faiths are no different. Just tell her "Hey whatever floats your boat. If you ever want to get back into it let me know I have some friends" and let it go. What can you do?


Not everyone is interested in involving other people in their worship. It can be a very private thing for some.


a christian would worry about how to handle someones else's business, now wouldn't they...


There's nothing to handle. She doesn't have a problem with who she is, you're the one with the problem. There is no one right or any wrong way to be spiritual. Whatever works, works. She lives it the way that is appropriate for her. It doesn't make her less of anything because she doesn't do things the way you're used to seeing. Instead of judging her for being different, why not accept her differences and learn from them. Everyone can teach you something, it's your job to find it.

Blessed be)O(


Yeah, I don't know much about Wicca but it's embarrassingly obvious that a lot of these adolescent would-be "Wiccans" are just trying it to be fashionable and cool. They can't answer the simplest questions.

To be fair a lot of Christians are just going through the motions too. I don't suppose there's much you can do about it.


"wicca" has very little in common with ancient Celtic paganism. i am a former wiccan and am now a christian and all wicca is is a way for 13 year old girls to rebel against their parents and for 40 year lds to have a good excuse to play harry potter. Wicca is actually based on 19th century satanism, and is heavily influenced by aliester crowley, who referred to himself as "the great beast, 666"and had a deep hatred for Christianity. earlier wiccan authors admitted this. wiccan authors also lie about the origins of wicca, the history of christianity, and also about everything else in history. Gerald Gardner claims he met a remnant of an ancient celtic religion (whom he does not name) and say they referred to themselves as "wica" (one "c", the other "c" was added much later to try to connect the word to "witta" which meant a wise person, even though etymologists say there is no reason that "tt" would ever have turned into "cc"), which is an old english term for witch, which means someone who derives power from satan or some other dark power. and, in the celtic alphabet ther is no "w". the only way to make a "w" sound is to combine "mh" and another combination i cant remember, and the sound never appears at the beginning of a celtic word, only in the middle somewhere. so why then would thes "wiccans" (earth loving hippies who use magic for good) refer to themselves as "witches", and on top of that, use a non celtic term to describe a celtic belief system???? i hope you are trying to share the truth with your pagan friends as i am with mine.


it's possible that she could just be solitary or maybe she knows that your christian and was afraid of getting into it with you. maybe when she put together her myspace, she was more into it. maybe she is just saying it to be cool.

i mean, it can bother you all it wants, but what can really do? her actions will reveal her for who she is. ultimately, we can't know what is in anothers heart and soul. just keep being friendly if you cross paths with her. treat her as a fellow human, not as what you percieve her to be.


Spiritual oneness comes in many forms. What christians who think they are makes me upset. Listen and learn. Sometimes you can learn things when you are not expecting.

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