i can understand them blocking out gaming, porn and myspace type websites but why religious websites? not just Christian either, should i do something about it? should i be offended?
My company's network blocks out Christian websites?
you can use proxy tunnelling services such as your-freedom.net and it could help you to surf all the internet as you want.
My company's network blocks out Christian websites?
they are a company and you work for them. They pay for that internet access and it's probably not cheap, they can block whatever the heck they wanna block. The day you pony up the cash to pay for your companies internet connection is the day you can determine WHAT sites people are allowed to see.
Chances are they are using websense or some other filtering technology, etc..
but yah..what the 1st dude said, if you REALLY want to browse non-work related stuff on work's dime, then you need to find some way to proxy outta there (via an SSH-tunnel, or some other proxy etc..) That is provided you have adminstrative access to your company issued PC etc.
BTW FWIW, there have been cases where people are using "work" computers to do non-work things, and people getting fired for said actions. If you get fired for this, you're up sh*t creek w/o a paddle and in some cases, if your actions caused loss of data etc..to your PC or other's PC through trojan, spyway/malware etc..you could be held liable for punitive damages..
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