Thursday, December 24, 2009

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

This girl at my table douring lunch is an athiest. I am a Christian but I am not bothered by religious differences, although I am bothered by the imaturity of others my age. (I feel like the smartest person in the world sometimes and I'm not being smug, it feels sad and isolating) She call me ignorant because I thought teacher's couldn't use taboo language while teaching a class, and something about me not knowing something about sex - i can't remember (keep in mind that this is my first year in a public school and I got my only sex ed from sitcoms) She must think everyones dumb because she expects us to believe her stories, for example: she says she's met Tom from MySpace, and Falloutboy knows her by name, while at the same time, acording to her, she has religious and proctective parrents. Today she asked to copy my work and I said no and she's like "Ohh! Is it imooooral!?" It makes me feel better to imagine she will be punished on judgment day, is that wrong of me?

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Being a Christian you should Pray for her..."Pray for thine enemies". You dont want to lose a friend that is okay, but you dont want to lose yourself more. If you hang around with people who are not respectable people will think you are unrespectable. Just ignore the girl, pray for her, and move on to others for friendship.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Ignoring her is the best thing you can do.

Ignore it and it will go away.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

That is very wrong. You need to pray for her and what she deals with every day. Love them all.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Cherish the days of youth, sister. Bless her with kindness. Go give her a huge hug sometime soon and it will throw her off. When she inults you, giver her a hi-5 and a hug and tell her she is so funny!


How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

ignore her

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

She's not a friend you need. She's an ignorant little and it's best to not associate with her. Eventually she will get what she deserves.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

PLEASE don't stereotype or let that lower your opinion of atheists.

I happen to be a very open-minded atheist.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Ignore her, or get rid of her. No good friend would say that. That's just MEAN. I have people I talk to who say the same thing. This one kid laughed in my face when I said I was a Christian. It's just Atheist arrogance.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Her behavior is not a result of atheism. It is a result of immaturity. If she annoys you enough, just stop associating with her. Immaturity can be real annoying. Trust me, I've been there.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Just tell her that she will soon discover the grave error of her ways once she dies. Then add that it's going to be tooooo late for mercy then.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

I hate little bickering girls.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Treat them with courtesy and Christian love. When you get a moment in the conversation you might suggest to them a course in logic when they get to college. Atheism is what is known as an absolute negative. Any philosopher, logician, or mathematician worth his salt knows that it is absolutely impossible to prove an absolute negative. Atheism is completely indefensible.

I Cr 13;8a


How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Can't answer your question, but keep your chin up, dealing with those that choose to ignore Gods existance is tough. Keep praying that somehow God will reveal his existance in some manner to her very soon. Stand strong in your convictions though!

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

I am the only Christian with my group of friends,and trust me,lots of hatred for Christians.But,my friends know by now that I really don't care what they do or say,as long as my rights are no violated.When she starts saying stuff,tell her to mind her own business. I am a freshman in high school,so I have one piece of advice:Do not hang out with female freshman,especially the preps.There are very few exceptions to this.They are stuck in middle school,and are going to think that the world revolves around them. Juniors ftw.

Anyway,after judgment day,she is not going to be able to come back and say, "I am sorry for being stuck-up".That kind of thing is not erasable.

My suggestions:

Be as nice as you possibly can,do not broadcast your religion,make friends with people who can easily come up for your defense,and whenever she says "Oooh is it immoral?",say "Sometimes you have to think for yourself,dearest."

It might work,it might not.Best of luck to you!

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Yes, that's wrong of you. It's petty and small. You talk of her thinking she's better than you, but in your comment that "she will be punished on judgment day" shows you're just as bad, or even worse. It's also supposedly not a very "christian" sentiment to be glad that someone else will come to harm. Too bad there are so many christians like you. That's probably why they have such a bad reputation.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Oh wow girl you have to listen well. Firstly ignore this girl. Dump her as a friend. And this a weird but like the Ford commerical Bold MOVES. I have a hard time making friends because all I want to talk about is what people call "intelligent" more like I'm curious. That girl plainly lies to you and makes fun of you. You can't stand with that. I ask you very much so to end that relationship now or as soon as possible. That girl will just keep making you uncomfortable and mock you. And that girl the quotes knows nothing about religion's ways. Yes the punishment thing is natural for us . I want that for some people but its not good. Instead of hate, love. BUT that does not mean you have to like her. And trust me I know teenagers these days are awful. Kids just getting worse and worse. I blame the media and bad parenting skills.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

She閳ユ獨 just a kid. Don閳ユ獩 sit next to her anymore. Sweetie, I閳ユ獡 agnostic (I don閳ユ獩 believe in god either 閳?I believe in the possibility of a not-Christian god) and I think you should believe whatever you want and don閳ユ獩 let this girl tell you are stupid. You閳ユ獧e young and you may not know everything there is to know about sex or religion, but that閳ユ獨 okay 閳?neither does she.

I don閳ユ獩 think it is odd or uncommon to fantasize about people you don閳ユ獩 like going to hell or learning they were wrong and being sorry. That閳ユ獨 normal, but you don閳ユ獩 want to feed into those kinds of thoughts too much. Still, don閳ユ獩 beet yourself up over either.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

This is where friends must agree to disagree. But learning to spell Atheist correctly might help too.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

perhaps she feels this way based upon the way you spell. taking a remedial english class might help her see things dfferently. i don't mean to sound insulting, just basing my answer on my observation. your spelling is atrocious.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

I guess she looks at you the same way you look at her..... with disgust. Sorry to say that but who are we to judge someone for something they believe to be the truth? The closest comment I can come to is just pray for her. She obviously isnt your friend and dangit u can afford to lose her. Keep in mind we are all human and not everyone will have the same opinion as you do. I am a Christian and people that claim to be atheist scare me to the point of knowing where they are going and knowing there isnt really anything I can do but pray for them.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Try listening.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Well, yes, it is wrong of you. In fact, none of us can be 100% absolutely positively sure that we are going to Heaven, we all have--even if slim--doubts. I don't believe her about meeting Tom or Fall Out Boy. But to deal with her, if she's your friend, and she can't afford to lose any, then why be her friend? I mean, if she calls you ignorant, then I mean, she's just asking for it. Now, your first year in public school, what grade? It really depends. If it's you 6th grade year, then it's probably some sort of phase. If it's 9th, then she's got problems. If it's neither, well, you're outta luck, should've waited till the next highest level of education, usually people will make fun of the new kid, esp. if they come after people have already made friends.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

tell her that any time you want you can go out and have sex with someone and become just like her but she can never again be like you (a virgin, assuming you are).

she sounds like the classic attention whore who thinks that "knowing" famous people makers her special in some way. just let her tell her stories and dont say anything about it. eventually you will make more friends and the two of you will drift apart. life gets better after highschool.

she says your ignorant and then wants to copy your work? can you be ignorant and educated? she sounds like the ignorant one to me

"ohh! is i imooooral!?"

"no i just hate to see you so retarded and you should probably learn this stuff. it may come in handy some day when your working the register at mcdonalds"

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Pray for your own spiritual growth. Learn to take criticism and ignore insults by bigots. Do not let anyone discourage you from sharing the Gospel with anyone else. I'll pray for you.

*Friends come and go, but God will never leave you. You can't afford to compromise your testimony due to peer pressure.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Some people who are insecure in themselves get great pleasure out of insulting and putting others down. It makes her feel important, you know, a big shot.School years are not easy, keep up the good work, don't worry that you don't have all the answers about sex, your still a kid, things take time. Don't let her borrow your homework, she is just using you. People who brag about who they know are just showing off, again to make herself seem important. Its not really nice to wish anyone to go to hell, remember hell is forever and its the worse place ever. But we all have thought that at one time or another. God forgive us. Instead, pray the she meets Jesus. God Bless you.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

umm apparently you are the problem hence reading your question. In that paragraph of yours I've not noticed nothing about atheism. Funny. Yea and by the way that it is wrong of you, to think you can say who will punished just because other peoples words hurt you deeply. You claim that you are the "smartest person" in your reality, yet your stupid enough to play around in other peoples sick games. My advice would be not to take anything personal from someone you "probably" don't even know that deeply or even that, care about at all. The reason why she makes fun about you is simply becuase you take it, I would even say that your friend even knows that is just try have fun at your expense.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

Just be the better person. Even if she is not punished on judgement day, she will be punished by losing you as a friend if she continues to push you away. And copying work is wrong because you don't learn anything, not just because it is "imooooral".

閳ユ翻o be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it閳?br> - Confucius -

- Atmadeepo Bhava -

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

First of all she is NOT your friend.

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.


I know you are Christian but the quote is so true, I had to learn the hard way.

She lies and goes out of her way to hurt your feelings while considering you a friend. She gets by in life by cheating off of others and not doing the work for herself. She should have your pity.........she sounds very unhappy and seems to be heading for a life filled with anger, disappointment and misery.

A friend is someone who will build you up and help you succeed not tear you down and make you feel unhappy.

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

It sounds like you are at a difficult time in your life. At your age it's natural to want to be accepted and approved of by your peers. When you say that you can't afford to lose any friends you should realize that people like the one you describe are in the same situation as you are. They want people to like and accept them too. As a Christian you should follow what the Bible teaches when you interact with unbelievers at your school.

"but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 1 Peter 3:15-16

Don't forget the gentleness and respect portion.

"So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:22-26

If someone wants to argue tell them that they can believe what they want and that you respect their right to do so but you are going to continue on in your faith and hope that they will respect your decision like you respect their decision.

If you live your life to please God then most likely you will have a good reputation with others. If someone asks to copy your homework and makes fun of your morality you can tell them that not only is it wrong to cheat, they are really cheating themselves because if they can't develop the discipline to learn and do their own work then they won't have what it takes later on in life when it's time to compete for a good job. Tell them that as a friend you are not going to be an enabler of a practice that might seem good in the short run but over time it will actually hurt them. God doesn't tell us not to cheat and steal because He wants to be some overbearing Boss figure. His commandments are for our own good.

For instance consider what the consequences are for obedience and for disobedience. Don't steal and stay out of jail. Don't cheat on your school work and get prepared for the real world. Don't have sex outside of marriage and avoid sexually transmitted diseases, a reputation as a tramp, emotional trauma when a break up occurs, unplanned pregnancy, or the heart break of living with the guilt of killing your unborn baby and making an innocent life pay the penalty for your own selfish pleasure seeking and failure to do things the way God tells you to. Hope that helps!

If you want to learn more then check out "A Word to Generation Next" at

How do you deal with a Athiest teenager who thinks you're "ignorant"?

One thing to remember is that people put others down to feel better about themselves.

This girl's problem is that she is unkind, and has rejected the truth of the bible. You can stand up for yourself without putting her down. If she makes fun of your faith and morals, just know that Jesus told us beforehand to expect this. You can reply to her by asking, "Why would you say a thing like that?"

Pray for her! Don't waiver in your faith. Are there other Christians at your school that you can hang out with?

God will judge and even if we don't see it in this lifetime His judgment is always righteous. But like God we should desire that all come to repentance!

Ask God for opportunities to witness to this girl. She may some day down the road, face a tough time and appreciate your prayers. I have witnessed to a few of my unsaved friends that way and have seen one come to the Lord so far!!

Hang in there!

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