Thursday, December 24, 2009

Did I make a mistake letting her go?

At the time me and my Christian- no sex before marriage- gf where together for 5 months. This guy who had been hitting on her for almost a year before we where together was still after her on myspace but never ever got a date with her even for the year when she was single. He said he was mad she never gave him a chance and is ready to hang out whenever she is. She had this long reply that said a bunch of things that did sound like venting to an extent, but at the end she said she was not sure how much longer we would be together she was waiting for an answer from God. She claims she was just venting because she was mad at me and that had she wanted to be with him she would have done it the nearly a year that he was after her when she was single. It all looks bad on the surface though and there is more but this is the worst of it. We broke up because I do not trust her. I have a hard time believing she would cheat, but I don't know what to do, she has tried to make up for it.

Did I make a mistake letting her go?

if you dont trust her then there is no need to date her you wouldnt trust her more?? I mean why does her being a virgin have to be advocated? She's normal too. Just has different ways of thinking about things and she's highly spiritual. I think you should sit down and talk to her...with the morals she has i dont think she would cheat. But it is possible.

Did I make a mistake letting her go?

Your a dumb dumb.

But that doesn't mean she should have said that she didn't know how long you both would be together.

Venting or not. And if she was venting, that should have been kept to herself. Not publicly displayed.

Did I make a mistake letting her go?

I think you are right to not trust her. It kind of sounds like she's trying to have her cake and eat it too. She must like the attention she's getting from this guy. She could have completely told him off and blocked him from contacting her at all.

Where does that leave you? That is not a good situation for you to be in at all. I think you should cut your losses and make yourself available for other girls. There are others that you'll like and who will be more right for you. If eventually you guys get back together, you can rethink it. But for now I think you should leave her and explore other possibilities.

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