I copied this from a Christian's blog who left me a hate message on myspace because i'm atheist
"so im on this myspace shyt.. and nigaz tryin to get wit a girl.... but i am a virgin too scared to meet them. nigaz kill bitches these days and no niga will be the death of Vee! I got a good head shot from close up and far away i got the proof check my papers from the range... big ones and small gunz i can buss them all! this virgin WILL if necessary protect herself at all costs.... I cant understand how people meet and dont be scared... i think nigaz are lookin for fast azz on here b/c u can hide for real! get ur azz a stalkin azz niga then a ***** goin be callin the newz to hate on myspace when they dum azz got on it its called FREEWILL and they be "down"..... i just say be safe rather than sorry... im to fli to die by the hands of a man i'll kill his azz first!! dont let the size and look confuse u...
Christians if you think God is keeping you safe, why do you act the most paranoid?
Ahhhh....I see you've found a new candidate for most misspellings and non-words in the myspace post. Keep a sharp eye out for more. We're going to award a prize in March!
Christians if you think God is keeping you safe, why do you act the most paranoid?
1) This girl doesn't sound like a real Christian, and if she is, she needs to change her way of speaking.
2) She doens't sound too scared if she's saying things like "I'll kill them before they kill me".
3) Who the heck WANTS to get raped...I'd be scared too!
Stupid question....
Oh, and btw, it's not being paranoid, it's being smart. Like I said before, who wants to get raped?...but yes, we do trust in God. Does it sound hypocritical to you? Well, guess what, it's not. God gave me a brain and I use it.
Christians if you think God is keeping you safe, why do you act the most paranoid?
I don't feel a bit "paranoid" about the times in which we are facing today and in the near future.
I recall back in 2001, when the attacks with our own planes hit the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. The government stopped all flights, many stopped traveling even by vehicles across our nation.
I personally didn't stop traveling. I was asked by many, "Aren't you afraid of another attack similar to what happened on September 11?" My reply was, "no, not at all; why should I let that attack stop my life?"
If you are truly secured in Christ, you don't fear what man can do to you. Sure they can take you hostage, torture you, and even kill you. But, they can't take your soul!
If you have a full understanding what is coming, one should rejoice in knowing that God is with you. One of God's promises to His children, those in Christ, is He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Where is your trust in the LORD's promises to you?
Even though you claim to be an Atheist, even atheist believe in some thing. They claim they don't believe in God nor Satan, yet they seem to be the ones walking around paranoid of what is happening around them. Much different with Christians, we don't walk around looking over our shoulders.
Why be paranoid?
Your explanation given, doesn't show a sign of paranoid, but she seems to talk a good talk, even with the language of those that seem to lack some education in learning the proper spelling of words.
Christians if you think God is keeping you safe, why do you act the most paranoid?
That's not religious paranoia, that's racism. Hatred, yes, but not directed because of religion but of ignorance of a different type. I have yet to meet any Christian who was paranoid.
And the spelling is enough to make me scream. That is awful. How old is that person, two?
Christians if you think God is keeping you safe, why do you act the most paranoid?
I don't see how you can use this letter??? to justify saying Christians are paranoid. This is obviously written by someone who is very young and very confused. I as a Christian have never used these words or these spellings of these words. In any case, Christians are human just like everyone else. We have feelings. Jesus Himself prayed,"If it is Your will Father, take this cup from Me."
Luke 22:41He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." 43An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
Jesus grieved, got angry, felt happy, felt fear, and every other emotion. He felt this because He was flesh as well as God. Remember one thing,"Christians aren't perfect.......Just forgiven."
Christians if you think God is keeping you safe, why do you act the most paranoid?
if you think this is a christian who wrote this you must not know a whole lot about christians.
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