Monday, November 30, 2009

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

I am a "baby christian" and this was told to me by a christian man i was seeing. I recently got an email from another girl on his myspace saying he was trying to date her as well. Supposedly this man wants to be a Pastor one day, and he sure knows the bible and loves to minister....i let him have it because i didn't fully trust him and he kept telling me the spirit lives in him and he wouldn't hurt me and that i have trust issues....well he got caught and now he's disappointed in me??? Then he told me that worse things are to come for me and when i asked him why...he just said probate mind that's why. Meaning me! Worse things for me.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

He sounds like a pedantic, hypocritical elitist. I've known the type before, experts on the letter of scripture and not the spirit.

He should remember to do as Jesus said and "beware the leven of the pharasees" who "think that their prayers will be better heard for their much speaking". He has no moral high ground from which to criticize you and honestly, independant of whether or not he is playing the field and holding you in reserve, his incredibly arrogant attitude alone would be enough to show him the door in my opinion.

Arrogance and judgment are also sins.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

He sounds like a nut.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

WOLVES in sheep's clothing.

Tell your people.

Dont be alone with him

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

Are you sure he didn't say "reprobate mind"? See here:

Anyway, he sounds like a typical reprobate pastor himself. What a pig.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

you had better talk to your parents over this one, maybe take

some time off from surfing the web...its a dangerous place.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

Other Pastors at the church will want to hear this from you.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

I'm sorry, I don't fully understand your story. I think what he said was, "your reprobate mind," not your probate mind. (It come from Romans 1:28). However, that phrase and that verse have nothing to do with your situation, and it sounds like he used them just to get the focus off of him and his unfaithfulness to you. He's trying to excuse his betrayal by making it seem like YOU were the problem and that's why he was messing around with someone else. Of course, it seems like this accusation of a "reprobate mind" didn't come up until he got caught! You should tell him that your "trust issues" are clearly fully validated, since he was indeed untrustworthy.

If you hate the knowledge of God and refuse to do or believe what you know is right, then you can worry about the "reprobate mind" comment. But since it doesn't seem that's the case, I would just ignore this man and his comments and get on with life. He sounds like he's just using the Bible to cover his own sin, arrogance and/or embarrassment.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

You seriously need to stay away from this guy. A reprobate mind is a morally unprincipled, or irredeemable mind. He's trying to shame you into submission. May the Lord deal with him according to his sin. That was a vile thing for him to say. Please ignore his words. And again...



Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

What he means is reprobate mind, and he is misquoting the scripture. By baby christian, he means newly converted. It sounds to me that he is still very spiritually immature or else he is an agent of the enemy and not really saved. You have to be careful. Not every one who says they are a christian really is. And sometimes people who really are saved, but are new to the Christian lifestyle, still act wrong. I would say, tho, that from the way he is acting, he is not who he says he is and that you should run away from him. He has shown you that he is dishonest. It also shows that he is a deceiver. The Bible specifically says that the enemy is a deceiver. So, be careful.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

First off if he was not being honest then his faith may not be as strong as he thinks it is. A strong Christian will be honest even when it will cost him since truth is one of the Holy Spirits gifts. Trust in Jesus and don't worry about this guy. Pray and read your Bible and the Holy Spirit will guide you and help you to realize your path and those who are to share it with you.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

The Devil knows the Bible too and has stood before the thrown of God asking to sift the people.

What I mean is you are better off not being around this person. Furthermore you should stop all communication from him. Block him and forget him you are better off single than with this manipulative charlatan.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

He is so full of it, What a lier!

You know the Devil comes in all kinds of forms.

To begin with, if the spirit was really living in him, then he would not be saying that the worst things are to come to you, He is just trying to scare you, Hes a jerk, you need to get a way from him.

If you ask God to send you someone he will, this is not the one that God has sent you, that is why you found out about the other girl, that is Gods way of showing you, that He is not the one for you, God made a way for you to see the truth about him, that is why you couldn't fully trust him from the beginning. I would get away from him, A man of God would never act or say those things, A man of God is suppose to be walking in the ways of God, and this man definitely is not.

Who is He to tell you that there is worse things for you, if you stay around him sounds like worse things will come your way because of him, I would get away from him, There is a man for you and God will send him to you, but I just can't see this man being the one. You will know without a doubt when that man enters into your life, you will know, and be very happy, not feeling threatened.

Christians...what does it mean if someone tells you that?

fact one, the guy transposes the sins of himself on to others. that in itself makes me wonder if the guy even knows what personal sin is.

fact two. being caught in his lies made him defensive, not humbled, and that makes me thing he does not know Christ, for when confronted by sin, the christain lead by the Spirit repents and changes his ways.

fact three. knowing the bible means nothing. the devil knows it better than us. the bible says, and this is Jesus talking, if it were possible, even the elect would be lead astray....talking of deception 1 cor 3, even satan comes as an angel of light therefore it is no big deal if his servants come as servants of righteousness....

fact 4, do as tuberoot says, make this known to the church leadership

and stay away from him

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